Tabi planted bombs in the restaurant, so no one except Girlfriend and him die, but when the restaurant exploded, well, everything went wrong, and didn't go exactly as planned.In Tabi's case, this could be because Tabi was once a boyfriend, just like Boyfriend himself, and thus, he still has his glowing note power, even though he is no longer dating Girlfriend.(Note how the average antagonist's notes simply disappear once they hit, for Tabi, they glow.).

Tabi is one of few antagonists that hit their notes in the same way as Boyfriend without the player actually controlling Tabi.Despite having a goat skull for a head, Tabi is not actually a goat man.Tabi while in Genocide is one of the first mod characters to lower the bar without the player actually failing to hit notes, with the others being Noke, Corrupt, Tricky, and Jester.It also is one the first where Girlfriend's boombox has been destroyed, one other being A.G.O.T.I.This is one of the few mods where Boyfriend shows fear, along with Tricky the Clown (in the beginning cutscene), Anders (in the Psychoneurotic cutscene), VS Brightside(in the Personal Space Invasion dialogue), and the Crazy Girlfriend mod.This is one of the few mods to actually have voice acting.It can be presumed that Tabi had initially planned on stabbing Girlfriend, but resorted to his bombs when The Boyfriend kept getting in his way, or that he kept the knife as a backup plan in case the bombs failed to kill her.